Sunday, September 12, 2021

Trump hints at 2024 White House run during NYPD precinct visit after skipping 9/11 memorial


Former president Donald Trump appeared to signal his intentions to run for president in 2024 while talking to New York City Police Department officers on the 20th anniversary of the 11 September terror attacks.

“Oh, that’s a tough question,” he said when asked by an officer at the 17th precinct near Trump Tower as the city mourned thousands of lives in memorials across the city and the US. “Actually, it’s an easy question. I know what I’m going to do, but we’re not supposed to be talking about it yet.”

He claimed that campaign finance laws prevent him from announcing whether he intends to run.

“But I think you’re going to be very happy,” he added.

The former president is not expected to attend any formal memorial services on Saturday. Mr Trump attacked Joe Biden in a video statement thanking US service members and emergency responders, and he is set to appear at an Evangelical Christian event in Washington DC and ringside at a boxing event in Florida.

Another officer asked whether he would run for the city’s mayor if he doesn’t make another run for the White House.

“Well, that’s an interesting question,” he said.

“We could straighten it up,” he said, laughing. “They’d announce in one week, ‘There’s no crime’ … That would be such an easy job.”

During his brief visit, the former president revived his baseless narrative that the 2020 election was “rigged” against him and continued to criticise the current administration for its withdrawal from Afghanistan, adding, “I hate to talk about it on this day.”

The former president is not expected to visit ground zero on Saturday, spokesperson Liz Harrington told The New York Times.

“He had the option to attend but decided to honor the day with different stops,” she said.

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