Tuesday, February 28, 2023

‘ธนกร’ ปัด รทสช. อยู่เบื้องหลัง ‘ชูวิทย์’ บุกทำเนียบ

28 ก.พ.2566- ที่ทำเนียบรัฐบาล นายธนกร วังบุญคงชนะ รมต.ประจำสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี ให้สัมภาษณ์ก่อนการประชุมคณะรัฐมนตรี (ครม.) ถึงกรณีนายชูวิทย์ กมลวิศิษฎ์ เข้ายื่นหนังสือกับนายพีระพันธุ์ สาลีรัฐวิภาค เลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี และหัวหน้าพรรครวมไทยสร้างชาติ (รทสช.) ที่ทำเนียบรัฐบาล หลายฝ่ายมองว่าเป็นเกมการเมืองว่า ไม่ได้เกี่ยวกับพรรค รทสช. ต้องมองว่าที่ผ่านมาตลอดระยะเวลา 1 ปี นายชูวิทย์ก็วิพากษ์วิจารณ์ พล.อ.ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา นายกรัฐมนตรี และรมว.กลาโหมมาโดยตลอด นายกฯ ไม่เคยตอบโต้เลย ตนเองก็รู้จักกับนายชูวิทย์ เดินสวนกันไปมาหลายครั้ง ก็ไม่เคยโกรธ เพราะนายชูวิทย์ทำหน้าที่ของเขา ดังนั้นต้องให้ความเป็นธรรมกับพรรคด้วย ว่าพรรค รทสช.ไม่ได้อยู่เบื้องหลัง หรือไม่ได้เกี่ยวข้องกับนายชูวิทย์ ต่างคนต่างมีหน้าที่

ผู้สื่อข่าวถามว่า ทางพรรคภูมิใจไทย (ภท.) ติดใจตรงที่นายพีรพันธุ์ มารับหนังสือจากนายชูวิทย์ด้วยตัวเอง นายธนกร กล่าวว่า นายพีรพันธุ์มารับหนังสือในฐานะเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี ซึ่งความจริงไม่มีอะไร และหากย้อนดูหลายเรื่องที่นายชูวิทย์พูดมีประโยชน์ ซึ่งรัฐบาลดำเนินการมาตลอด ตรงไหนที่ยังไม่ได้ทำ เราจะดำเนินการ

“เรื่องนี้อย่าไปคิดว่าพรรคไหนอยู่เบื้องหลัง และความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างหัวหน้าพรรคภูมิใจไทยกับนายกรัฐมนตรี ก็ดีมาตลอด ไม่มีปัญหาอะไรกันเลย ให้เกียรติซึ่งกันและกันมาโดยตลอด เรื่องนี้ต้องแยกออกจากกัน การวิพากษ์วิจารณ์ของนายชูวิทย์ เป็นสิ่งที่เขาสามารถทําได้ ไม่ได้เกี่ยวอะไรกับพวกผม” นายธนกร กล่าว

เมื่อถามว่า ที่ผ่านมานายพีระพันธุ์ รับหนังสือจากนายชูวิทย์มาตลอด ทำให้ พรรค ภท.ไม่สบายใจ นายธนกรกล่าวว่า ต้องยอมรับว่า เวลายื่นหนังสือเขายื่นถึงนายกรัฐมนตรี ซึ่งอย่าว่าแต่นายชูวิทย์เลย แม้แต่ใครยื่น นายกรัฐมนตรีก็ต้องมอบเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรีไปรับอยู่แล้ว ยืนยันว่าเราไม่ได้มีเจตนาอะไร ทุกฝ่ายต่างทำหน้าที่ของตัวเอง ยืนยันว่าไม่มีความขัดแย้งอะไรกัน ส่วนคนอื่นที่มาร้อง ก็จะมีเจ้าหน้าที่ออกไปรับแทนบ้าง เพราะรัฐมนตรีหรือเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรีอาจไม่ว่าง อย่างในวันนี้ที่นายปดิพัทธ์ สันติภาดา ส.ส.พิษณุโลก พรรคก้าวไกล (กก.) จะมายื่นหนังสือ ตนก็มอบหมายให้เลขาไปรับแทน เพราะตนติดการประชุม ครม. ซึ่งเราให้เกียรติมาตลอด วันนี้ต้องยอมรับว่าไม่ว่าประชาชนคนธรรมดาหรือใครก็ตาม ทุกคนมีความเสมอภาค ถ้าตนว่างก็จะไปรับหมด

ถามว่า ไม่ได้เกี่ยวข้องหรืออยู่เบื้องหลังเรื่องดังกล่าวใช่หรือไม่ นายธนกรกล่าวว่า ไม่เกี่ยวข้องเลย

ซักว่า ส่วนตัวมองว่าเรื่องนี้ใครได้ประโยชน์ นายธนกรกล่าวว่า ตรงนี้ตนคงตอบไม่ได้ อยู่ที่ประชาชนตัดสินใจ ใครก็ตอบแทนไม่ได้ และยืนยันว่าการที่พานายชูวิทย์เข้ามาในทำเนียบ ไม่ได้เป็นการทำที่สองมาตรฐาน เพราะใครว่างก็ออกไปรับ ยืนยันว่ารัฐบาลนี้ไม่มีดับเบิ้ลสแตนดาร์ด.


ซื้อของออนไลน์ที่ shopee ช้อปสินค้าง่ายๆ ราคาถูก มีโปรโมชั่นมากมาย ☆ShopeeMall สินค้าของแท้ 100% คืนง่ายใน 15 วัน ส่งฟรีทั่วไทย.

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from World eNews Online https://ift.tt/aP5I6gj
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“นิโรธ” เผย วิปรัฐบาล เตรียมยื่นศาล รธน.ตีความ พ.ร.ก.ขยายเวลา พ.ร.บ.อุ้มหาย ก่อนลงมติวันนี้

“นิโรธ” เผย วิปรัฐบาล เตรียมยื่นศาล รธน.ตีความ พ.ร.ก.ขยายเวลา พ.ร.บ.อุ้มหาย ก่อนลงมติวันนี้ ปัดยื้อ แต่เห็นว่า พ.ร.ก.ไม่ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย

วันนี้ (28 ก.พ.) นายนิโรธ สุนทรเลขา ส.ส.นครสวรรค์ พรรคพลังประชารัฐ ในฐานะประธานวิปรัฐบาล กล่าวถึงการประชุมสภาผู้แทนราษฎรพิจารณาพระราชกำหนด (พ.ร.ก.) แก้ไขเพิ่มเติมพระราชบัญญัติ (พ.ร.บ.) ป้องกันและปราบปรามการทรมานและการกระทำให้บุคคลสูญหาย พ.ศ. 2565 หรือ พ.ร.บ.อุ้มหายว่า ร่าง พ.ร.ก.ดังกล่าวไม่น่าจะชอบหรือน่าจะขัดกับรัฐธรรมนูญที่กำหนดเงื่อนไขความเร่งด่วนจำเป็น

นายนิโรธ กล่าวว่า รัฐบาลไม่ได้มีเจตนาจะหน่วงให้ล่าช้า แต่เพราะเรื่องนี้เป็นเรื่องใหญ่และเป็นเรื่องที่ต้องดูแลความเรียบร้อยของหน่วยงานกับประชาชนเพื่อไม่ให้เกิดความผิดพลาด จึงขอขยายระยะเวลา ซึ่งการประชุมวิปรัฐบาล จึงได้เชิญตำรวจเข้าร่วมประชุมเพื่อชี้แจงเหตุผลการขยายระยะเวลาในการปฏิบัติหน้าที่ ทั้งนี้ ส่วนตัวเห็นว่า หากจะลงมติคว่ำไปเลย ก็จะเดินหน้าลำบาก เพราะผลกระทบส่วนใหญ่จะเกิดขึ้นกับพี่น้องประชาชนในชนบทด้วย

ทั้งนี้ หากฝ่ายค้านเรียกร้องให้ลงมติ ตนก็มองว่า แม้สภาจะมีอำนาจก็จริง แต่หลายครั้งโหวตแล้วก็มีการตีความในศาลรัฐธรรมนูญในภายหลัง จนสภาเกิดความเสียหาย ดังนั้น เพื่อเป็นความรอบคอบและไม่ให้สภาเกิดความเสียหาย จึงคิดว่า เรื่องนี้ควรยื่นให้ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญวินิจฉัยว่า ออก พ.ร.ก.ชอบด้วยรัฐธรรมนูญหรือไม่ ซึ่งการเข้าชื่อในคำร้องที่จะยื่นต่อศาลรัฐธรรมนูญให้วินิจฉัย พ.ร.ก. ฉบับนี้น่าจะครบเรียบร้อย และอาจยื่นก่อนหรือระหว่างการประชุมสภาฯ ก็ได้ เพื่อให้เป็นไปตามบทบัญญัติรัฐธรรมนูญ มาตรา 173

นายนิโรธ กล่าวอีกว่า คำร้องของวิปรัฐบาลไม่ถือเป็นการยื้อการบังคับใช้ พ.ร.ก. ฉบับนี้ออกไป แต่เพื่อให้หน่วยงานตาม พ.ร.บ.อุ้มหายเดินหน้าได้ ซึ่งถ้ามองในแง่ร้ายก็บอกว่าเรายื้อ แต่ถ้ามองเป็นกลางและตรงไปตรงมา เราก็เห็นว่า พ.ร.ก. น่าจะไม่ออกโดยชอบตามรัฐธรรมนูญ

เมื่อถามว่า ความชะงักงันที่เกิดขึ้น ใครต้องรับผิดชอบ นายนิโรธ กล่าวว่า รัฐบาลไม่จำเป็นต้องรับผิดชอบ เพราะหากคว่ำ พ.ร.ก.คือ ลาออกหรือยุบสภา หรือไม่รับผิดชอบ ไม่ทำอะไรเลยก็ได้ แต่คิดว่า รัฐบาลต้องเลือกยุบสภาฯ เพราะอย่างไร เขาก็เลือกจะยุบสภาฯอยู่แล้ว ดังนั้น เพื่อให้ประเทศและหน่วยงานเดินหน้าได้ เราจึงควรเลือกทางที่ดีที่สุดให้ประชาชน

ซื้อของออนไลน์ที่ shopee ช้อปสินค้าง่ายๆ ราคาถูก มีโปรโมชั่นมากมาย ☆ShopeeMall สินค้าของแท้ 100% คืนง่ายใน 15 วัน ส่งฟรีทั่วไทย.

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from World eNews Online https://ift.tt/3qsbYDF
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TikTok influencer Alix Earle shocks fans with tour of ‘cockroach’ filled college house

TikTok star Alix Earle has left fans stunned after giving a tour of her college home, complete with cluttered bathrooms and piles of laundry.

The 22-year-old student – who has 4.7m followers on TikTok – went viral this week when she gave fans a glimpse inside the off-campus home she shares with five other girls. Earle attends the University of Miami and recently rose to influencer stardom with her viral “Get Ready With Me” videos.

“The tour we have all been waiting for,” Earle began the house tour, which has received 7.6m views since it was posted just this weekend. “Welcome to Casa Amore.”

The New Jersey native began the house tour by showing off their kitchen, which included a tiny wooden house named “Casa Cucaracha” placed next to the trash bin. “We get a lot of cockroaches so we just made a little house for them,” she said, laughing.

Keeping in theme, Earle zoomed in on the cockroach-shaped clips she and her roommates’ use to seal their chip bags. “Our chip bag clips are also cockroach-themed,” she added.

Next, Earle panned her phone camera to their fish tank – where their pet fish named Elton swam motionless – then over to the stove where a pot of ramen noodles was simmering.

Empty glasses, seltzer cans, and a Tito’s bottle were scattered across the dining table in the living area, seemingly left over from a night of partying. Also in tow were Starbucks bags and coffee cups sitting on the coffee table.

In a different area of the house, Earle revealed that she and her roommates even made some minor renovations to their college home.

“So, this room was not a bedroom but we made it into one,” she said, pointing to a pair of farmhouse-style sliding doors.

“We just bought these doors but they don’t fit over the space,” Earle added, noting the two-inch gap in between the wall and the door.

Next up on the house tour was one room dedicated to “a lot of packages,” followed by their laundry room that also doubled as a storage space. She panned the camera to reveal piles of clothes, boxes, suitcases and her roommate Kristen’s makeshift art studio.

Finally, it was time to see Earle’s shared bathroom space, which was cluttered with beauty products and styling tools across the countertops. The influencer even went rogue when she touched the toilet seat with her bare hand.

“The toilet is like a children’s toilet, so it’s right on the ground and this doesn’t stay on, so you can’t sit too hard,” she said, wiggling the toilet seat.

As for Earle’s bedroom, she revealed that she and her roommates jokingly call it “the dungeon” because only one window helps shed some natural light in the otherwise dark room.

Earle’s honest tour of her college home received mixed reactions from fans in the comments section. While some people were in utter shock at the state of her messy home, others applauded the influencer for showing the not-so-glamorous side of college living – even if you’re a social media star.

“I love this,” commented Uncut Gems actor Julia Fox, who also went viral with her candid tour of her one-bedroom Manhattan apartment.

“Nah, I could never do this,” commented someone else, while another user wrote: “I would cry.”

“When did living like this become a flex?” one user asked, which prompted some people to point out that college living isn’t always the cleanest.

“When you’re in college and party 95 per cent of the time and sleep the rest,” replied one fan. “Exactly. If you have been in college, this makes sense,” another agreed.

“I feel like this is pretty fitting for five college girls, I mean everyone is hating but it could be worse,” a third user said.

Others couldn’t get over Earle’s casual mention about cockroaches, writing: “u r so chill about roaches I could NEVER hahaaha”

“u grabbing the toilet seat just sent shivers up my spine lmao,” another said.

“You’re so brave for even giving this tour,” joked someone else.

Much like Earle, Julia Fox was recently praised on TikTok after she gave a “very underwhelming” tour of her “normal” one-bedroom Manhattan apartment. Last month, the model posted the apartment tour to show her fans that she doesn’t live as glamorous as they might think.

“For me, personally, I just don’t like excessive displays of wealth,” she explained. “They make me feel icky, especially people that have really big houses. It’s just really wasteful when there’s so many homeless people in this country. I’m just not really like that.”

The actor also said that she keeps her small New York City apartment because she wants her two-year-old son, Valentino, to be more in touch with the “real world” despite her life in the spotlight.

ซื้อของออนไลน์ที่ shopee ช้อปสินค้าง่ายๆ ราคาถูก มีโปรโมชั่นมากมาย ☆ShopeeMall สินค้าของแท้ 100% คืนง่ายใน 15 วัน ส่งฟรีทั่วไทย.

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from World eNews Online https://ift.tt/PtFy0qs
via World enews

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Alex Murdaugh’s younger brother John Marvin breaks down telling jurors how he ‘cleaned up’ what was left of nephew Paul

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What is a Leap Year and when will it happen?

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Monday, February 27, 2023

AP News Digest 6 p.m.

Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All times -EST. For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan.








CARTER-WHY NOT ME — As 2024′s campaign season begins, politicians are looking in the mirror and deciding whether they see an American president staring back. It was no different for Jimmy Carter when he launched his White House bid on Dec. 12, 1974. And it took meeting several presidential candidates and then encouragement from an esteemed elder statesman before the young governor of Georgia, who had never met a president himself, saw himself as something bigger. He made the leap amid the fallout from the Vietnam War and President Richard Nixon’s resignation, and Carter leveraged his unknown — and politically untainted — status to become the 39th president. By Bill Barrow. SENT: 1,100 words, photos.

MIGRATION-ITALY — A wooden boat crowded with migrants smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn off the Italian coast. By sundown on Sunday, rescuers had recovered nearly 60 bodies, and dozens more people were missing in the turbulent water. United Nations officials feared the death toll could top 100 since survivors indicated the boat had as many as 200 passengers when it set out from Turkey. By Frances D’Emilio. SENT: 960 words, photos.

RUSSIA-UKRAINE-WAR — The town of Vuhledar has become one of the deadliest hot spots on the largely static front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces that stretches hundreds of kilometers (miles) in eastern Ukraine. Its ruins have joined Bakhmut, Marinka and other cities and towns as evidence of a grinding and destructive war of attrition. They also have become symbols of Ukrainian resistance. In the rubble, civilians cling on, too. SENT: 975 words, photos.

HAITI-HOSPITAL-MEDICAL-CARE-GANG WAR — One hospital is standing its ground in one of the most violent parts of Haiti’s capital. As gangs tighten their grip on the Caribbean nation, many medical facilities have closed. But Fontaine Hospital Center hangs on in Cité Soleil, the most densely populated part of the city and the heart of Port-au-Prince’s gang wars. By Megan Janetsky and Fernanda Pesce. SENT: 1,185 words, photos.

WINTER WEATHER — Some Michigan residents faced a fourth straight day in the dark as crews continued working to restore power to more than 175,000 homes and businesses in the Detroit metropolitan area following last week’s ice storm. California, meanwhile, was getting a brief break from a powerful storm that on Saturday left Southern California rivers swollen to dangerous levels and brought snow to low-lying areas around Los Angeles. By Rick Callahan and Christopher Weber. SENT: 940 words, photos.

MEDICAID-COVERAGE-LOSSES EXPLAINER — If you get health care coverage through Medicaid, you might be at risk of losing that coverage over the next year. Roughly 84 million people are covered by the government-sponsored program that’s grown by 20 million people since January 2020, just before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Now, as states begin checking everyone’s eligibility for Medicaid for the first time in three years, as many as 14 million people could lose access to that coverage. SENT: 815 words, photos.




UKRAINE CHEF-RECLAIMING CULTURE — Don’t tell Ukrainian chef Ievgen Klopotenko that borsch is just food. For him, the beet-and-meat stew is the embodiment of everything Ukraine is fighting for. Klopotenko says food is a powerful symbol of a nation’s identity. He’s been trying to reclaim Ukraine’s traditional cuisine and show that its culture is distinct from Russia’s. SENT: 1,170 words, photo, video. This is the Monday Spotlight.

RUSSIA-UKRAINE PUTIN — Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast Sunday that after Russia suspended its participation in the last arms control agreement with Washington, it would “take into account” the nuclear weapons capabilities not only of the United States but of other NATO countries such as France and Britain. SENT: 850 words, photos.

RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR-BIDEN — As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, CIA Director William Burns says Russian President Vladimir Putin is being “too confident” in his military’s ability to grind Ukraine into submission. SENT: 670 words, photos.




KODAK BLACK-ARRESTED — A Florida judge has issued an arrest warrant for rapper Kodak Black for failing a drug test while on bail for a drug charge, court records show. SENT: 200 words, photos.

BICYCLIST TRUCK CRASH ARIZONA — A suspect has been arrested in connection with a crash that killed two bicyclists and injured 11 others in a Phoenix suburb, authorities said. SENT: 225 words.

AIRPOD THEFTS — Police say at least 21 people in New York City have had their fancy Apple headphones stolen right off their heads by a roving team of moped-riding bandits. SENT: 190 words.

MINNESOTA-FUNERAL-SHOOTINGS — Two men were killed and three other people were injured in a second shooting outside a funeral in St. Paul, Minnesota, this weekend. SENT: 160 words.




JILL BIDEN-AFRICA — Jill Biden gets an up-close look at the historic East Africa drought as she walks along arid land and listens as some Maasai women describe how their children and livestock are going hungry. She appeals for more countries to join the United States to help alleviate the suffering. SENT: 1,040 words, photos.

STATE-REPUBLICAN PARTIES — Election deniers who failed at the polls last year are now focusing on gaining control of state Republican parties, signaling a combative approach to the 2024 election cycle while deepening the GOP’s rift with moderates. SENT: 1,340 words, photos.

UNITED STATES-CHINA-TAIWAN — The CIA director says U.S. intelligence shows that China’s President Xi Jinping has instructed his country’s military to “be ready by 2027” to invade Taiwan though he may be currently harboring doubts about his ability to do so given Russia’s experience in its war with Ukraine. SENT: 420 words, photos.

ELECTION 2024-SOUTH CAROLINA — Early-voting South Carolina is used to increased attention in the years leading up to presidential elections, but 2024 feels different. Democrats decided to put the state No. 1 on their primary calendar and there may be two homegrown GOP candidates in the race. SENT: 1,020 words, photos.

CONGRESS-LOYALTY — The leaders of a new House select committee on China defended Democratic Rep. Judy Chu, saying it was abhorrent and unacceptable for a GOP lawmaker to question her loyalty to the United States based on her Chinese heritage. SENT: 300 words, photos.




TRAIL DERAILMENT-OHIO — Shipment of contaminated waste from the site of a fiery train derailment earlier this month in eastern Ohio near the Pennsylvania state line will resume Monday to two approved sites in Ohio, according to federal environmental authorities. SENT: 450 words, photos.

BLACK CITY-WHITE LEGISLATURE — People in Mississippi’s majority-Black capital city say the mostly white state Legislature is trying to encroach on their rights of self-government. Republican lawmakers say they are trying to reduce crime and improve water service in the Democratic-run city. SENT: 1,455 words, photos, 1,000-word abridged version.

WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING ANNIVERSARY — Thirty years after terrorism first struck the World Trade Center, victims’ relatives and survivors are commemorating the deadly 1993 bombing that foreshadowed 9/11. Anniversary observances are planned Sunday at the trade center and at a nearby church. SENT: 850 words, photos.

TRIBES-BUSINESS-DIVERSIFICATION — Hit hard by COVID-19 shutdowns, Native American tribes with casinos are taking a closer look at diversifying their portfolios to help keep their sovereign nations economically strong for future generations. SENT: 1,020 words, photos.




MEXICO-ELECTION-PROTEST — Tens of thousands of people filled Mexico City’s vast main plaza to protest President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s electoral law reforms that they say threaten democracy and could mark a return to the past. SENT: 600 words, photos.

PANAMA-MIGRANTS — The government of Panama temporarily suspended bus services that transfer migrants from the dangerous Darien Gap area to the north of the country after two serious mishaps aboard the vehicles. SENT: 175 words.

CROATIA-WEATHER — Croatian authorities closed all roads connecting the country’s mainland with the Adriatic Sea coastline because of heavy snow and strong wind that sparked traffic chaos in the country and elsewhere in the Balkans. SENT: 300 words photos.

GREECE-CARNIVAL — Throngs of revelers across Greece have attended end-of-Carnival celebrations for the first time in four years. SENT: 315 words, photos. WITH: GREECE-CARNIVAL-PHOTO-GALLERY. SENT: 315 words, photos.

NIGERIA-ELECTIONS — More people in Nigeria have cast ballots even though voting in the country’s presidential and parliamentary elections had been supposed to end on Saturday. SENT: 580 words, photos.

ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS — The Jordanian government announced that Israel and the Palestinians had agreed to de-escalate tensions, shortly after a Palestinian gunman killed two Israelis in a shooting in the occupied West Bank. SENT: 875 words, photos.

NICARAGUA-REMITTANCES — Remittances to Nicaraguans sent home last year surged 50%, a massive jump that analysts say is directly related to the thousands of Nicaraguans who emigrated to the U.S. in the past two years. SENT: 720 words, photos.

BREXIT-NORTHERN-IRELAND — British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Union leader Ursula von der Leyen are due to meet, with expectations high they will seal a deal to resolve a thorny post-Brexit trade dispute. SENT: 335 words, photo.

PAKISTAN-AFGHAN-US-VISAS — Hundreds of Afghan refugees facing extreme delays in the approval of U.S. visas are protesting in Pakistan’s capital on, as an American program to help relocate at-risk Afghans fleeing Taliban rule stalls. SENT: 400 words, photos.

HONG KONG-MODEL KILLED — Police in Hong Kong have filed murder charges against the former in-laws of a model whose body parts were found in a refrigerator and a skull believed to be hers in a pot. SENT: 400 words, photos.

PAKISTAN BOMBING — Police say a bombing at a crowded bazaar in southwestern Pakistan killed at least five people and wounded 16. No one immediately claimed responsibility for Sunday’s attack in Barkhan, which is northeast of Quetta, the provincial capital. SENT: 190 words.

SRI LANKA-PROTEST — Police in Sri Lanka have fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters angry over a decision to postpone local elections after the government said it cannot finance them because of the country’s crippling economic crisis. SENT: 385 words, photos.




FILM BOX OFFICE — Sunday studio estimates say the gonzo R-rated horror comedy “Cocaine Bear” sniffed up $23.1 million in its opening weekend, while Marvel’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” fell fast in its second weekend. “Quantumania” was still No. 1 with an estimated $32.2 million in ticket sales in U.S. and Canadian theaters. SENT: 545 words, photos.

SAG AWARDS — Last year, the top winners at the Screen Actors Guild Awards all corresponded exactly with the Academy Awards winners. Will Sunday’s SAGs offer the same preview? The 29th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will begin at 8 p.m. Eastern Sunday and be streamed live on Netflix’s YouTube page. SENT: 450 words, photos. Developing.

OBIT-MIRISCH — Walter Mirisch, the astute and Oscar winning film producer who oversaw such classics as “Some Like It Hot,” “West Side Story” and “In the Heat of the Night,” has died of natural causes, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said Saturday. He was 101. SENT: 930 words.

OBIT-GORDON-PINSET — Gordon Pinsent, an award-winning Canadian actor acclaimed for his performance as a heartbroken husband in the film “Away From Her,” has died at 92. SENT: 550 words.

OBIT-CICCONE — Madonna’s eldest sibling, Anthony Ciccone, has died, a family member said Saturday. He was 66. SENT: 200 words.




SOC-LEAGUE-CUP-FINAL — Manchester United’s six-year wait for a trophy is over after beating Newcastle 2-0 to win the League Cup. United manager Erik ten Hag has wasted no time in guiding the club to silverware just 10 months after being hired. Casemiro headed United in front in the 33rd minute and Sven Botman’s own-goal made it 2-0 in the 39th. SENT: 540 words, photos.

BBN-PADRES-MACHADO-CONTRACT — A person with knowledge of the deal says All-Star slugger Manny Machado has agreed to a new $350 million, 11-year contract that will keep him with the San Diego Padres through 2033. SENT: 175 words, photo.




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Mississippi GOP governor now backs longer Medicaid for moms

Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves did an abrupt about-face Sunday on an issue for which Democrats have been sharply criticizing him this election year, saying for the first time that he wants the state to allow a full year of Medicaid coverage to women after they give birth.

Reeves said on social media that if the Republican-controlled state House and Senate send him a bill to allow a year of postpartum Medicaid coverage, “I will sign it into law.”

Reeves said he is willing to do so “as part of our new pro-life agenda.” He said more babies will be born because the U.S. Supreme Court upended abortion rights nationwide last year with a case that originated in Mississippi.

“I believe that to be a beautiful thing,” Reeves wrote. “I also believe that added stress will be felt by more Mississippi moms. We have to love them. We have to support them.”

As governor since January 2020 and during two previous terms as lieutenant governor, Reeves has resisted efforts to expand the scope of Medicaid and other government programs. He has not publicly changed his opposition to a broader expansion of Medicaid coverage to working people with low-wage jobs that don’t provide private insurance. Mississippi is one of 11 states that have not approved that broader expansion.

Twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia have extended postpartum Medicaid coverage to a full year.

Physicians in the Mississippi State Medical Association and businesses leaders in the Mississippi Economic Council have endorsed a full year of postpartum Medicaid coverage, saying it could improve health outcomes in a state with a high rate of maternal mortality.

Mississippi is one of the poorest states in the U.S., and about 60% of births in Mississippi are to women covered by Medicaid. The state usually allows two months of postpartum Medicaid coverage.

Since the COVID-19 public health emergency started in 2020, Mississippi has allowed a full year of postpartum coverage, although many patients have said the state did little to let them know the coverage remained after the usual two months.

The national public health emergency is set to expire in May. The deadline, combined with the Mississippi election season, has intensified debate over postpartum coverage.

Brandon Presley, a state utility regulator now running for governor as a Democrat, said Thursday on Twitter that Reeves “doesn’t have the guts to push postpartum care for mothers.”

“You would think ‘His Majesty’ would be able to persuade the Legislature to do the right thing,” Presley wrote. “Unlike @tatereeves, I don’t think I know more than doctors.”

The two Democratic leaders in the Mississippi Legislature — Sen. Derrick Simmons of Greenville and Rep. Robert Johnson of Natchez — criticized Reeves in a joint statement Sunday

“Saying he’ll sign this bill if it comes to him is simply a last-ditch effort to save face on an issue that the vast majority of Mississippians support,” Simmons and Johnson said of the governor. “It is not courageous; it is craven political theater.”

The Mississippi Senate on Feb. 7 passed a bill to allow a full year of postpartum Medicaid coverage, as it has in previous years. House Speaker Philip Gunn, a Republican, has not said whether the House will consider that bill. The other Senate bills in recent years have died in the House because of Gunn’s opposition.

Reeves, who often refers to himself as a “numbers guy,” expressed skepticism Sunday as he staked out his new position on longer postpartum Medicaid coverage.

“The debate surrounding the future of those benefits has been fierce,” Reeves wrote. “And, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t been swayed by the data that is, at best, incomplete and, at worst, often misconstrued and mischaracterized by the ‘more government benefits no matter the cost’ crowd.”


Follow Emily Wagster Pettus on Twitter at http://twitter.com/EWagsterPettus.

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Tens of thousands protest Mexico electoral reforms

Tens of thousands of people filled Mexico City’s vast main plaza Sunday to protest electoral law reforms that they say threaten democracy. The plaza is normally thought to hold nearly 100,000 people, but many more protesters couldn’t fit in.

The marchers were clad mostly in white and pink — the color of the National Electoral Institute — and shouted slogans like “Don’t Touch my Vote!”

The reforms proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador were passed last week. They would cut salaries, funding for local election offices and training for citizens who operate and oversee polling stations. They would also reduce sanctions for candidates who fail to report campaign spending.

“He wants to return to the past” when “the government controlled elections,” said protester Enrique Bastien, 64, a veterinarian, recalling the 1970s and 80s when the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, ruled Mexico with fraud and handouts. “It was a life with no independence.”

Fernando Gutierrez, 55, a small businessman, said López Obrador wanted to lead Mexico to a socialist government. “That’s obvious, from the aid going to Cuba,” Gutierrez said.

López Obrador has imported coronavirus vaccines, medical workers and stone railway ballast from Cuba, but has shown little taste for socialist policies at home.

Many other demonstrators were simply wary of the kind of vote miscounting, campaign overspending and electoral pressure tactics that were common in Mexico before the independent electoral agency was created in the 1990s.

López Obrador dismisses the criticism as elitist, and says the institute spends too much money, funds that should be spent on the poor.

López Obrador said Thursday he he’ll sign the changes into law, even though he expects court challenges. Many at Sunday’s protest expressed hope that Mexico’s Supreme Court would overturn parts of the reform, as courts have done with other presidential initiatives.

Lorenzo Cordova, the head of the elections agency, the National Electoral Institute, has said the reforms “seek to cut thousands of people who work every day to guarantee trustworthy elections, something that will of course pose a risk for future elections.”

López Obrador has appeared nonchalant about court challenges, saying Thursday that he believed they would be upheld because none of it was “outside the law.”

However, in the past he has frequently attacked Mexico’s judiciary and claimed judges are part of a conservative conspiracy against his administration.

The president’s strident pushback against the judiciary, as well as regulatory and oversight agencies, has raised fears among some that he is seeking to reinstitute the practices of the old PRI, which bent the rules to retain Mexico’s presidency for 70 years until its defeat in the 2000 elections.

Elections in Mexico are expensive by international standards, in part because almost all legal campaign financing is, by law, supplied by the government. The electoral institute also issues the secure voter ID cards that are the most commonly accepted form of identification in Mexico, and oversees balloting in the remote and often dangerous corners of the country.

López Obrador remains highly popular in Mexico, with approval ratings of around 60%. While he cannot run for re-election, his Morena party is favored in next year’s national elections and the opposition is in disarray.

Part of his popular appeal comes from railing against high-paid government bureaucrats, and he has been angered by the fact that some top electoral officials are paid more than the president.

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White House silent after ex-British PM Boris Johnson exclaims ‘f*** the Americans’

The White House had nothing to say Sunday morning after former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was caught making a rude and dismissive remark about the US during discussions

The former prime minister was speaking with his former Lord Chancellor Sir Robert Buckland when he made the remark in response to the suggestion that the UK’s new prime minister, Rishi Sunak, was seeking to work out issues with the Northern Ireland protocol in order to smooth relations with the White House.

According to a witness, Mr Johnson uttered the phrase “f*** the Americans” in response to that idea.

“Robert and Boris were discussing the protocol and Robert said, ‘It’s vital you back it Boris, it’s a good outcome and with the US state visit coming up and the need to get a trade deal with them it will help keep us onside with the Americans.’ Boris said ‘f*** the Americans!’” said the witness to the exchange.

The Independent reached out to the White House for comment on Sunday morning but did not receive an immediate response regarding the remark itself or the idea that US-UK relations needed smoothing over.

The special relationship between the two powers showed signs of strain during the tenure of Mr Sunak’s short-lived predecessor, Liz Truss, who resigned from office after just 44 days in the PM’s chair. Ms Truss’s plan to cut taxes was sharply criticised as a “mistake” in a rare blunt assessment of UK policy by President Joe Biden last year; her economic chief would go on to be sacked and the plan largely rolled back.

Mr Biden has not embarked on a state visit to the UK since taking office in 2021; plans for that to change, however, are reportedly in the works as some news reports have indicated that the Irish-American US president may make a journey to the UK and Ireland to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday agreement later this year.

The president has made no secret of his love of his Irish ancestry over the years, and even famously snubbed a BBC reporter (as a joke) in 2020 when asked for a comment, responding instead: “The BBC? I’m Irish!”

Reporting of Mr Johnson’s comments has already caused great consternation within the Conservative Party, even absent a response from the White House, State Department or US lawmakers. One senior Tory figure, a former minister, told The Independent: “Once you’ve said f*** business and f*** the Americans you might as well stop being a Conservative and just f*** off yourself.”

“The Americans will obviously be offended by that. This will put his reputation in the US in freefall the same it is in the UK,” added the source.

Some have speculated that Mr Johnson has hopes of embarking on a speaking tour among conservative audiences in the US, a future prospect that would clearly be endangered by remarks like this.

A former Tory foreign secretary, Malcolm Rifkind, told The Independent that he hopes both sides ignore the former PM’s outburst.

“As Johnson was the significant degree the cause of the problem by signing the [Northern Ireland] protocol, I think he’s the last person who should be trying to damage what appears to be the pretty impressive efforts to get an alternative. It’s unfortunate that he appears to be behaving in a negative way about the efforts of Rishi Sunak,” he said.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill did not immediately offer reactions to the former PM’s comments on Sunday. A number of prominent members of Congress have Irish ancestry and have been active in supporting the Good Friday agreement. As recently as 2021 a resolution in support of the agreement and continued peace process passed via unanimous consent in the bitterly-divided US Senate.

Mr Johnson resigned from office as wave after wave of resignations rocked his Cabinet last year; the former PM was engulfed in a number of scandals in his final days, including the appointment of Chris Pincher to deputy chief whip despite his knowledge that Mr Pincher faced allegations of sexual assault.

Some reports in December indicated that Mr Biden’s plans to visit the UK may be put on hold if issues surrounding the border with Ireland are not worked out in the coming days; the UK’s decision to leave the European Union has left lawmakers in Parliament scrambling to decide how the transportation of goods between Ireland and Northern Ireland will persist now that the two countries adhere to different regulatory standards, and amid fears of upsetting the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, which brought peace to the region after 30 years of The Troubles. The initial trade agreement, dubbed the Northern Ireland protocol, is now up for debate as UK lawmakers seek to streamline the flow of goods between the UK and Northern Ireland.

In September, the White House warned that any efforts to undo the Northern Ireland protocol altogether could hamper efforts between the US and UK to reach a trade deal.

“There’s no formal linkage on trade talks between the US and the UK and the Northern Ireland protocol, as we have said, but efforts to undo the Northern Ireland protocol would not create a conducive environment, and that’s basically where we are in the dialogue,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at the time.

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หนังสือพิมพ์ของสหรัฐหลายฉบับแถลงยกเลิกตีพิมพ์การ์ตูนช่อง “ดิลเบิร์ต” ของสกอตต์ อดัมส์ เนื่องจากคำพูดเหยียดผิวของเขาทางยูทูบ

              สำนักข่าวรอยเตอร์รายงานเมื่อวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ 2566 ว่า สกอตต์ อดัมส์ นักเขียนและผู้วาดการ์ตูนช่อง “ดิลเบิร์ต” (Dilbert) ที่เป็นการ์ตูนล้อเลียนคนทำงานออฟฟิศ ซึ่งตีพิมพ์ในหนังสือพิมพ์ของสหรัฐหลายฉบับ ให้ความเห็นทางช่องยูทูบของเขาเมื่อวันพุธที่่ผ่านมา ระบุว่า ชาวอเมริกันผิวดำเป็น “กลุ่มของความเกลียดชัง” แนะนำให้ชาวอเมริกันผิวขาวหลีกหนีจากคนผิวดำ อดัมส์ให้ความเห็นดังกล่าวหลังจากมีการทำโพลขององค์กรอนุรักษนิยมหนึ่งที่อ้างว่าชาวอเมริกันแอฟริกันจำนวนมากไม่คิดว่าเป็นเรื่องโอเคกับการเป็นคนผิวขาว

              อดัมส์กล่าวทางช่องยูทูบของเขาว่า ถ้าเกือบครึ่งหนึ่งของคนผิวดำมีความเห็นว่าเป็นเรื่องไม่โอเคกับการเป็นคนผิวขาว นั่นคือกลุ่มของความเกลียดชังและผมไม่ต้องการไปทำสิ่งใดๆ กับพวกเขา

              ความคิดเห็นดังกล่าวของอดัมส์ทำให้เกิดความโกรธเกรี้ยวทางโซเชียลมีเดีย และมีเสียงเรียกร้องให้หนังสือพิมพ์ต่างๆ ที่ลงตีพิมพ์การ์ตูนช่องของเขา ถอดการ์ตูนของเขาออกไป

              ถ้อยแถลงเมื่อวันศุกร์และวันเสาร์ที่ผ่านมาของหนังสือพิมพ์หลายฉบับในสหรัฐระบุว่า จะไม่ตีพิมพ์การ์ตูนช่องดิลเบิร์ตอีกต่อไปในหนังสือพิมพ์ลอสแองเจลิสไทม์, วอชิงตันโพสต์ และหนังสือพิมพ์ในเครือยูเอสทูเดย์

              คริส ควินน์ บรรณาธิการหนังสือพิมพ์เดอะเพลนดีลเลอร์ของเมืองคลีฟแลนด์ กล่าวในจดหมายถึงผู้อ่านที่โพสต์เมื่อวันศุกร์ เรื่องการถอดการ์ตูนดิลเบิร์ตออกจากหนังสือพิมพ์ว่า เป็นการตัดสินใจที่ไม่ยากลำบาก เพราะเราไม่ใช่บ้านสำหรับผู้ที่สนับสนุนการเหยียดเชื้อชาติ

              อดัมส์ยืนยันทางช่องยูทูบของเขาว่า การ์ตูนของเขาจะโดนถอดจากหนังสือพิมพ์หลายฉบับในวันจันทร์นี้ รายได้ส่วนใหญ่ของเขาจะหายไปตั้งแต่สัปดาห์หน้า และชื่้อเสียงของเขาพังพินาศ

              การ์ตูนช่องดิลเบิร์ตครั้งหนึ่งเป็นการ์ตูนที่ได้รับความนิยมสูง มีเนื้อหาเสียดสีวัฒนธรรมองค์กร ตีพิมพ์ครั้งแรกในปี 2532.

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Signs of ovarian cancer: Bartender Victoria Grande shares first symptom

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Prince Harry seeking ‘apology’ before committing to King Charles’ coronation

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Scientists reveal how to spot signs of dementia nine years before diagnosis

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Pedro Pascal officially acknowledges he is the ‘internet daddy’: ‘I’ll take it all’

Pedro Pascal has officially accepted his title as the “internet daddy”.

Fans of the Last of Us star have long nicknamed Pascal “daddy” on social media, with Pascal acknowledging his status in the past.

During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show on Friday night (24 February), the 47-year-old was asked if he was “enjoying all the sudden attention”, to which he replied he was with an eyebrow raise and a smile.

Host Graham Norton then asked: “What’s internet daddy?”

Pascal replied: “Me!”

In an attempt to explain what the phrase meant, he added: “I’m still trying to figure it out. I feel like it changes, there’s ‘zaddy’, there’s ‘daddy’.”

Ariana DeBose, who was also a guest on the show, chimed in and asked: “’Zaddy’? OK. That’s, like, very ‘silver foxy’, it’s a kind of air about you.”

Pascal replied: “I’ll take it all.”

Also appearing on the show was Dame Helen Mirren, who appeared to be taking all the internet-speak in. She asked: “What about a sort of ‘saddy’?”

The Mandalorian star said: “That’s the thing, is that I am a ‘saddy’ actually!”

Norton read out several tweets that described Pascal as “daddy”, including one that read: “I need to stop calling Pedro Pascal daddy it’s becoming a problem.”

A second tweet said: “Refraining nyself [sic] to scream ‘daddy’ every time I see Pedro Pascal on my screen.”

On Twitter, fans continued to gush over the actor, who currently plays Joel in The Last of Us alongside co-star Bella Ramsey, who plays Ellie.

“He loves to be Daddy. And we love the fact that he really loves it,” one person wrote.

Another said: “SADDY DADDY [crying emoji.”

Earlier this year, while appearing on the red carpet premiere for the HBO Max series, Pascal also responded to tweets referring to him as “daddy” and told Entertainment Tonight: “I am your cool, sl**ty daddy.”

While on The Graham Norton Show, Pascal opened up about the moment he was offered the lead role in The Last of Us and said it was “hazy”.

He explained that he had “stayed up very late meeting everyone and was very excited”, so he took a sleeping tablet to try and get some sleep.

“When they called to offer me the part, I was so drowsy they had to repeat the offer,” he said.

“I then forgot that completely and when I woke up the following morning, I thought because of the time difference between London and LA, I would be waiting by the phone all day to hear if I got the job!”

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Love Is Blind star Raven Ross says she found out that SK Alagbada cheated on her through TikTok

Love Is Blind star Raven Ross has shared that she found out her ex-fiancé SK Alagbada had cheated on her through TikTok.

During a recent episode of The Viall Files podcast, the pilates instructor spoke about her split from Alagbada and some of his cheating rumours after multiple women came forward on social media to accuse the data engineer of being unfaithful.

The couple initially got engaged in season three of Love Is Blind but did not walk down the aisle. They rekindled their romance when the show ended and got reengaged during the After the Altar special. Netflix later confirmed in the episode that the engagement ended and shared a clip of Ross revealing that SK had cheated on her.

Ross recalled to podcast host Nick Viall how she found out about Alagbada’s infidelity through “different women.”

“It started with one girl who he’d actually met in San Francisco. When I found out about it, I found out with everyone else on TikTok,” she said. “This was right before Thanksgiving, he was at school and I was in Dallas.”

She said her “phone started going crazy” and people began sending her the woman’s TikTok video, asking her if she’d seen it. Ross said that after watching the video a few times, she realised that her then-boyfriend had sent both of them the same pictures.

Ross noted that those photos were taken in March 2022, while Alagbada was in Austin. She then claimed that her now-ex seemingly “copied and pasted” the messages that he sent her to the woman in San Francisco.

“It was literally verbatim, the same exact selfie, the same exact words,” she continued. “I thought we had the strongest foundation, I trusted him with anything and everything.”

She further explained how the woman’s message showed that Alagabada “felt the same way” about both of them before revealing that he’d “actually invited” the woman to Austin.

“We just went to Austin, he stayed, and then you’re going to turn around and fly another girl out?” she said. “It ended up not happening and that was kind of his saving grace… I didn’t forgive him for it, but I was like: ‘OK, it’s just a Hinge date.’ Not much came of it.”

Ross said that when she confronted Alagabada about the TikTok video, he didn’t “really” own up to it, explaining: “Any time there would be a moment like this, there would always be lots of hesitation. At this point, he didn’t answer the phone for a while.”

Despite the “progress” she and Alagbada made by November, another woman then spoke out about him on TikTok which Ross said was a “far worse” situation. After watching that video alongside her ex, she said that they then talked about how he had “quite a long past” with this woman.

“So, he was able to use that to his advantage because a lot of the stuff she put in there was from 2018, 2019, right?” she explained. “I was like: ‘OK, this has nothing to do with me.’”

Ross said that after filming ended in July 2021 and prior to their reconciliation, Alagbada asked her to go to Europe with him and she turned the offer down. She later discovered that he took the second woman who posted about him on TikTok on that trip.

“This was really the hurtful part of it,” she explained. “I think he invited me just to invite me, but he knew I wasn’t going to go. Because literally he invited me and the trip was like three days later. Like I can’t do that.”

She recalled that when she spoke to Alagbada about this, he pointed out that the Europe trip happened when they weren’t together so he hadn’t cheated on her. While Ross understood his point, her “issue” was that “he lied about how she actually got” to Europe.

Ross went on to tell Viall that the woman’s TikTok video featured texts between her and Alagbada that were “much more recent” and proved that they were “still in communication”. Ross also claimed that the woman’s best friends reached out to her, encouraging her to “take SK back” and warning her that the woman was somewhat “stalking her”.

Ross verified that these people really were this woman’s group of friends and added that the woman went to Cabo with Alagbada in May 2022 while he was already dating Ross again.

“He knew my intentions,” she said. “I was not interested in dating anyone else. We were very close, at this point I had already gone to San Francisco multiple times.”

During the After the Altar special, which aired earlier this month, Ross reflected on her second engagement being called off.

“That really sucks. Since then, a lot has changed,” she said. “My world is completely different because SK cheated on me and now our relationship is over.”

She continued: “I really was so invested in the person that everyone saw and everyone loved. That’s the person I saw and I loved every day too. To see everything that has happened since then is so hard. Because that was not the person that I thought that I was with.”

While SK did not address the cheating rumours during the reunion special, he took to Instagram in November to describe the allegations as being “falsely misrepresented with malicious intent to extort”.

“While our journey back together hasn’t been straightforward, the unique emotional connection we developed from this experiment kept us together as friends and helped rekindle our relationship after the fact,” he said. “We are actively pursuing legal actions against the accuser.”

Later that month, the couple shared a joint statement to announce that they had officially separated.

“We are saddened to announce that we have decided to go our separate ways,” the post read. “Due to ongoing legal proceedings surrounding these allegations, we cannot provide additional details and ask that you please respect our privacy during this hard time. Thank you for following our love story and believing in us. This journey has forever shaped our lives and we are so grateful for everyone who has been a part of it. Your love and support means everything.”

Earlier this week, Ross revealed that she has a new romance in her life.

“I’ve gone on quite a few dates [since SK],” Ross told People in an interview. “Actually, the guy that I’m dating now sent me a message on Instagram. It’s relatively new. But it’s going well, so knock on wood.”

ซื้อของออนไลน์ที่ shopee ช้อปสินค้าง่ายๆ ราคาถูก มีโปรโมชั่นมากมาย ☆ShopeeMall สินค้าของแท้ 100% คืนง่ายใน 15 วัน ส่งฟรีทั่วไทย.

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from World eNews Online https://ift.tt/sW31KOE
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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Harvey Weinstein rape victim ‘Jane Doe’ breaks silence: ‘I want my life back’

A victim of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual predation previously known only as Jane Doe has spoken out in a new interview.

The disgraced media mogul, 70, was sentenced to an additional 16 years in prison on Thursday after being found guilty of raping Evgeniya Chernyshova, whose identity was kept secret throughout the trial and sentencing.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Ms Chernyshova said she had chosen to reveal her identity as she was tired of hiding her identity.

“I want my life back. I’m Evgeniya, I’ve been raped. This is my story,” she told The Hollywood Reporter.

Weinstein, 70, begged for mercy in a California courtroom as a judge sentenced him to an additional 16 years behind bars, all but ensuring the disgraced movie mogul will spend the rest of his life in prison.

The disgraced movie mogul was handed the sentence in a Los Angeles courtroom on Thursday morning, two months after a jury convicted him of three counts of rape and sexual assault.

The former Hollywood executive is already serving a 23-year sentence in New York, after being convicted of rape and sexual assault in that jurisdiction in 2020.

Breaking more to come

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from World eNews Online https://ift.tt/slCH5E9
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